On the market in the Republic of Bulgaria, only products that have been approved and authorized for sale according to the regulations in force in the Republic of Bulgaria are offered and provided.

Product categories


Aerosol type extinguisher for Li-Ion batteries fire

Product code

MBK20-500ML-LITH / 2227


MOBIAK uses a new and revolutionary Extinguishing Agent which has been developed during the past few years in response to the demand for products that can deal with high-temperature flammable metal fires, lithium-ion, and lithium-polymer battery fires. This Extinguishing Agent offers a significant performance improvement over conventional extinguishing agents when applied to these very particular fire types – it has proven to be the most effective extinguishing agent currently available worldwide for Lithium battery fires.

  • Extinguishing Agent applied as a fine mist, which instantly cools the batteries and extinguishes the flames
  • Extinguishing encapsulates the fuel source and insulates the cells preventing further thermal runaway; bringing the fire under control

Using the revolutionary Extinguishing Agent – MOBIAK announces a Brand New Aerosol Type Fire Extinguisher of 500ml Capacity that provides lithium battery fire protection for safe use on small personal devices – the Product fights the flames and prevents the propagation of fire. The agent is discharged/applied in the form of a mist, acts as a fire break by cooling and extinguishing the flames, fast.


Aerosol type extinguisher for Li-Ion batteries fire

Product code

MBK20-500ML-LITH / 2227